In this video, two unobserved particles, occupy the same line (and the same time) in space. They move forward doing the stop-go-stop routine until there is an observation that initiates a quantum jump. The superpositions, when one particle overlaps another, have been marked with a white square. This is how the cosmos communicates. The particle moves by stepping left then right, then left, then right, and so on. As long as it is not observed, this stepping motion continues.
Periodically the main particle emits an exact copy of itself, a virtual particle, to the left and to the right. Space is filled with quantum fluctuations caused by these virtual particles, exact copies of the original. These have a different spin and move in only one cardinal direction, east and west faces exchange places or the north and south faces exchange positions. They move at the same pace as the spin one-half particle. In this manner, they are on a line that runs through space.
You could say that the main particle doing spin one-half has mapped every route it could take along the line. The particle is virtually everywhere along that line. The unique situation generated means that the information being sent out as a virtual copy is from an earlier time. Upon observation, the particle does a quantum jump to a calculated position on the line. It would seem to me that a simple count left and right for superpositions would be enough information to determine which of the virtual particles receives the jump. The problem for physicists is that this jump would seem to break the speed of light barrier because the jump is instantaneous. But in fact, this isn’t the case. There is no breaking the speed of light because the particle is using information from the past. Once the jump occurs, the same procedure starts over.
It is odd that our experience with the force of gravity is a paradox. We are told that gravity is a force that pulls you down to earth or keeps the earth orbiting the Sun. But when you jump off a diving board you experience no force at all. You are in free fall experiencing exactly the same force as if you were in the Space Station in orbit around the earth. What you do experience is a ‘push from below’ on your feet if you are standing. That is what the ancient people called this force, ‘the push from below’.
With what feels like ‘no force’ on you, in free fall you actually seem to gain speed the longer you fall toward the earth. You accelerate without a perceptible force operating on the atoms of your body. It is strange but we accept this. Einstein knew about this paradox and was said to have asked a man who had fallen off a ladder if he experienced any force on him while he was falling.
We accept that gravity is a force but examining it from the moving wave of matter point of view, you see that the earth could be accelerating towards you while you are absolutely buoyant, floating, in mid air. If we examine this further, we have to consider what happens when an object accelerates over long periods of time. If you do the math, you find that starting from 0 m/s and accelerating at 10 m/s/s, the acceleration of gravity on earth, you reach the speed of light before Christmas so the earth cannot be accelerating.
But if it isn’t acceleration, then it might correctly be experiencing a jerk! A jerk, as explained earlier is gravity divided by time, g/s (the first derivative of acceleration). When atomic particles move, they are fixed to the cosmic background for 99.8% of the time. Could this stop – go – stop motion be observed as gravity? I think so. It explains a lot of the quantum mysteries.
If our observation of motion in the cosmos is wrong it is hard to ignore such high velocity. The model of matter stepping across cardinal positions has us at rest and in motion, reminiscent of the Greek philosopher Zeno’s Paradox where an arrow flying through space is in actuality, at rest. At least it is at rest, even in flight for 99.8% of the time. No paradox.