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Feature Movie


*Credit to Trevor Gent for the Feature Movie.

*Credit to Tough Guy by Crystal Method for the Movie music in atomic motion

Part I – Big Bang beginnings compared to the Egyptian concept demonstrated by the discovery of our home supercluster named Laniakea, a watershed basin of gravitational attraction’ containing 100, 000 large galaxies. Matter is created ‘out of the voids’ then moves towards a place called ‘the Great Attractor’ in the constellation Centaurus. This is how eternity works.

Part II – The Solar System animation begins with an ‘at rest’ Sun, then speeds up to our known velocity through the cosmic microwave background radiation of 600 km/sec.. This model is very similar to the Babylonian ‘synodic motion and varying velocities’.

Part III – An animation of the pyramids at the Giza Plateau. Quantum mechanics becomes an understandable progression of moving pyramids with the periodic emission of ‘virtual particles’ (possibly spin 2) which move on a wave across space. Unobserved this plane wave continues moving, connecting to every other part of the cosmos. When observed the pyramid chooses a position already calculated from the array of positions available. A quantum jump occurs that seems to defy the speed of light but no law is broken. The universe only comes into existence upon observation.

Posted in Astronomy, General, Main, Physics

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